Is your resume strong enough?

Get a free, confidential resume review from a career expert.

Get a free resume review

How TopResume's resume review works

Our free resume review for Australian professionals is as easy as 1, 2, 3

  1. Resume with upload icon

    Show us what you're working with

    Upload your resume to be reviewed — it’s an easy drag and drop

  2. resume with scanner icon

    Wait while the magic happens

    It takes up to 48 hours for our experts to review your resume and provide personalised and actionable feedback.

  3. Resume in envelope

    View your results

    When the results arrive in your inbox, it’s time to learn and grow. Discover your strengths and uncover areas for improvement to perfect your resume.

What to expect from your resume review

We conduct a comprehensive review of your resume to ensure you receive all the essential information. Feedback topics include:

What does the ATS see?

75% of job applications are rejected before they are seen by human eyes.

Before your resume reaches a hiring manager, it often needs to pass through an applicant tracking system (ATS). This software is used by Australian recruiters and employers to collect, sort, scan, and rank job applications. Without ATS-friendly formatting on your resume, even the most qualified candidates can be overlooked.

Upload your resume for free to discover how it fares with an ATS. Your dream job in could depend on it.

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Don't leave your next opportunity to chance!

At TopResume, we've helped over one million job-seekers change careers — and we're here to assist you, too. Enhance your chances with our free resume review service, potentially turning a rejection into a job offer.

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